Welcome to the Aurora Sportsmen's Club NRL22 Match page
What is NRL22?
NRL22 Matches are shooting competitions that will test your rifle marksmanship as you manage various barricades and obstacles to engage targets from 30 – 200 yards. Matches are divided up into 5 - 7 stages where you will engage steel targets from different supported and unsupported positions as well as managing various barricades for support. Target sizes are designed to be challenging. Target distances for published NRL22 Course of Fire is known to shooters and additional stages are sent out Friday before the match to registered shooters. You should know your DOPE out to 200 Yards to be successful.
Matches are focused on skills development and casual competition in a relaxed atmosphere. Each month is a different course of fire. If you are not familiar with NRL22, it is a great (and cheap (ER) way to experience precision rifle shooting.
You will be placed on a Squad with an assigned Squad Leader who will ensure each stage is briefed and there is general order throughout the match – each squad ROs themselves so there are expectations to help with safety, score keeping, times and spotting for the shooter on the line when you’re not shooting.
NRL22 Membership
You don’t have to be a member of NRL22 organization to shoot. We encourage shooters to become members so they can have the opportunity to see their national standing, take part in monthly prize drawing by NRL22 organization and have the ability to qualify for NRL22 Nationals which take place each year in various US locations.
When are the matches?
Matches are typically held on Sundays, year-round except for potentially the month of the NRL22 Nationals (this is usually the month of May and we make the call as we get closer). Sometimes we change the dates but will provide notice if we do.
For 2025 our match dates are January 26, February 16, March 16, April 5, May 18, June 15, July 20, August 17, September 21, October 19, November 16, December 21. We will send out notices if our schedule changes.
What is the timeline for a typical match?
Zero range opens at 0800 with mandatory Safety Brief no later than 0845 with match starting at 0900. Matches typically take 3-4 hours to complete, depending on number of participants and squad sizes. You must attend the safety brief and adhere to all the safety rules.
What about Rifle / Equipment and Ammo?
Bolt action rifles are the most common firearm of choice, but Semi-automatic platform rifles are welcome. Bolt action rifles and semi-automatic rifles will be scored the same. Tube magazines are not allowed. Only 22LR and Air Rifles are allowed (no .22MAG).
Shooters should bring a scoped rifle, bipod, ammo, and good DOPE / Ballistic Solver. Shooters can also use support bags and slings but are not required. Certain stages may limit the use of support bags and props. Chamber Flags / Ear / Eye protection, appropriate clothing/footwear for gravel and outdoor range. Matches are typically around 100 rounds – with the extra stages and confirming zero before the match. You must compete in all stages with the same rifle.
Are there different Divisions?
Yes, we run 5 Divisions: Open, Base, Ladies, Old Guns, and Young Guns.
Link to rules for each division is https://nrl22.org/about/rules
What is the cost for a match?
Match Fees: $30 – Non-ASC Member, $20 ASC Member, $5 Off for Ladies/LEO/MIL. Young Guns (16 and under) shoot free but must be supervised by an adult.
You must be member of ASC Club on Practiscore for the member discount to be reflected in the pricing at registration.
What happens to my scores?
Scores from the NRL22 published COF will be submitted to NRL22 within 5 days after the match for national ranking. ASC NRL22 keeps their own season standing for all the stages and matches shot throughout the year for end of season awards.
I would like more information…
NRL 22 Monthly COF - https://nrl22.org/downloads
NRL22 Rules - https://nrl22.org/about/rules
NRL22 FAQ - https://nrl22.org/faq
ASC NRL22 Registration - https://practiscore.com/clubs/aurora_sportsman_club
How can I contact the organizer with any questions?
James Nierodzik
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