The purpose of Practical Rifle is both competition and skills development. This is an opportunity to get your rifle "off the bench" and challenge your marksmanship skills while developing new skills most shooters can't practice on a range. Competitors will face new scenarios each month.

Attendees typically use modern, magazine-fed, semi-automatic rifles such as AR-15s, AK variants, Springfield M1As, etc. Bolt-action rifles are not recommended since some stages require magazine changes. Shooters should plan on firing about 150 rounds.
Up to 4 magazines may be utilized on a single stage, and your favorite mag retention system is encouraged. We do not impose limitations on firearms or ammunition; all calibers and legal equipment is welcome. Optics are shooters choice, iron sights, red-dots, and magnified optics are all welcome. Practical Rifle is a great opportunity to gain experience with all your gear!
Typical Equipment/Gear Needed:
- Rifle - typically a modern, magazine-fed semi-automatic rifle/carbine in caliber of 9mm or greater, such as an AR-15, AK variant, M1A, etc.
- Ammunition - about 150 rounds of non-penetrator ammunition (steel or tungsten core or green tip penetrators). However, you should bring enough rounds for your skill level.
- Chamber Flag - have a chamber flag which is easily, quickly and positively removed from/inserted into the chamber of your rifle. PIECES OF ROPE/TWINE WILL NO LONGER BE PERMITTED.
- Magazines - typically there is a stage with a magazine change. Most shooters bring a minimum of four (4) magazines.
- Clothing - we shoot regardless of weather. Plan accordingly.
- Food - food is not available for purchase at our facility. Plan accordingly.
- Water - hydration is important. Plan accordingly.
When are the matches?
For 2025 our match dates are January 18, February 15, March 15, April 19, May 17, June 21, July 19, August 16, September 20, October 18, November 15, and December 20.
We will send out notices if our schedule changes or if we add additional matches.
What is the timeline for a typical match?
Stage building begins at 8:00am and we ask shooters to be present for stage building. Safety brief begins after stage build concludes, and shooting begins immediately following. In winter months we normally start 1 hour later. Details/Timelines will be given as you sign up for each match.
You must be present for the Safety Brief to shoot that day. No exceptions.
Scores are posted online after cleanup is finished. All shooting takes place on the East side ranges. East side ranges can be accessed on the road between the 100 and 200 yard ranges.
How do I register for the match?
Register for matches at:
Attention ASC Members: You must be a member of ASC Club on Practiscore for the member discount to be reflected in the pricing at registration. It is free to become a member. Apply at
How can I contact the organizer with any questions?
Contact our match director at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.