Chicagoland's Premiere Sports Shooting Facility.

The Aurora Sportsmen's Club, Inc. (ASC) is a private, members-only club that is actively recruiting new members to join, get involved and help ASC grow to reach its potential in Waterman, IL. Member candidates must be at least 18 years of age, legal residents of the United States of America, and if a resident of Illinois, must have a valid FOID!

Need To Renew Your Membership?

Membership renewals via ClubExpress were sent out via email - if you feel that you did not receive the email, please check your spam folder. If no email was received, please reach out to the membership team who can help resolve any issues.

Membership Office Hours?

The Membership Office is, like all other Departments in ASC, staffed by volunteers. As such we do not have daily or even weekly regular hours. If you would like Membership to have regular hours, please volunteer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
However, there are certain days/events when the Office will be staffed. Those are:

1. Gen Mtgs: Afternoons before every General Membership Meeting held at Waterman (please let us know that you are coming) 

2. Board Mtgs: Before any Board meeting being held at Waterman (please let us know that you are coming) – the second Thursday of the month.

3. Other near term dates and times when a Membership volunteer is planning on being available such as:
     a. Sunday September 8, 2024 from 9:00 AM to Noon at Club Office

    4. Before you drive out just to conduct business, verify that someone will be there:
     a. Membership – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
     b. Bookkeeper – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

How Do I Become A Member? 

The complete membership process is designed to allow new members to enjoy the club facilities immediately upon joining. 
The new member process begins with submitting a completed Application Form (scroll down) along with a non-refundable $25 application fee. (The application fee is deducted from the initiation fee for prospective members who are accepted for membership.) Sponsored applicants will have priority over those without a sponsor.

 The New Member process consists of an online tour, an online orientation presentation, a Board Member interview conducted by telephone, a Range Orientation and Safety Check where the Applicant demonstrates safe handling and use of a firearm, payment for the balance of the initiation fee and pro-rated first-year dues, and issuance of membership ID and key. New members then receive a personal welcome with a New Member Packet. The online tour, orientation and interview need to be completed prior to the Range Orientation and Safety Check. The invitations for the Range Orientation will go out to applicants that have completed the prior steps about a month prior to the scheduled orientation dates.
The Range Orientation and Range Safety Checks are scheduled for March, April, July and October. Registration is required in order to attend. Non-registered applicants will not be allowed in.
The next scheduled Range Orientation/range safety check Session will be in March & April  2025. 
The next scheduled Range Orientation/Range Safety check session is in March 2025 with invitations to register emailed out in the first week of February to applicants that had successfully completed the interview process.

The Club will strive to maintain a voting membership of 3,200. The Club loses approximately 10-11% of its members annually to relocation, resignations, non-renewals, and death.

Applicants must bring FOID if Illinois resident, driver license or state id,  hearing & eye protection, a firearm in good working order that they are comfortable shooting and at least 10 rounds of ammunition. If using a semi-auto handgun, please bring 2 magazines.

Application Forms

New Member Signup

Walk-in Applicants who do not have a reservation will not be allowed to attend.

Membership Sponsors

Sponsored applicants will have priority over non-sponsored applicants. The named sponsor needs to have been a member in good standing for greater than one year. Sponsors must be willing to meet the sponsorship requirements as outlined in the ASC Constitution.

Member Benefits

Regular Memberships include the primary member, spouse, and children under the age of 18. Members enjoy access to the facilities 365 days/year; member rates for some matches and classes, trap, skeet, 5-stand, sporting clays, and other organized events; ability to bring up to three shooting guests at a time; and members-only Club communications.

Membership Costs - 2025

For a Regular Family Membership: There is an initiation fee of $320.00. The annual dues for membership are an additional $280.00. The dues are prorated to the month that you join e.g. joining in July: 6/12 x $280 = $140 Payment can be made by Cash, check or MC, Visa, or Discover.
The Membership of the Club voted at the October 2024, General Membership Meeting to assess all members who were eligible to vote at that meeting a $15/month special assessment payable during 2025. The Assessment is being used for the development of the Club.
The Membership of the Club will again have the opportunity to vote on any 2026 special assessments, if needed, at the October 2025 General Membership Meeting.

New Regular Members receive the following upon joining ASC

A PVC Photo ID card,  Lanyard, a key and  key-card,to the Club gates.
Three free single-day-use guest passes.
A New Member packet includes club information. 

Club Service Hours

New Members are required to contribute 10 hours of volunteer work during their FIRST 12 months of membership. After their first year, Members are required to contribute 5 hours of volunteer work each year. Many activities are readily available to fulfill the work requirement. ASC is an all-volunteer club that depends on its members for club management, maintenance, and administration. Click here for more information about Volunteering.

▫The service/work hour year is defined as October 1 through September 30

▫New member second year hours are prorated to the end of service/work hour year

 If you Join in:

March, April, May

12 Hours due by Sept 30th of following year

June, July

11 Hours due by Sept 30th of following year

August, September

10 Hours due by Sept 30th of following year

Membership Notice

Sponsored applicants will take priority over non-sponsored applicants.  The Sponsor will need to have been a member of the Club for greater than a year and be in good standing.

Sponsored Applicants will go on the waiting list when they successfully complete the Board Member interview. The Sponsors may be contacted to verify that they are willing to accept the responsibilities associated with sponsoring a new member. Non-sponsored members will go on the non-sponsored waiting list when they successfully complete the Board Member interview.

Applications without the requisite $25 application fee will not be accepted.