- Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. ASC officers and match officials are authorized to disqualify a competitor and ask the disruptive individual to leave the property at their discretion.
- There is a porta-potty. Please use it.
- There will be no smoking or vaping forward of the West edge of the canopy.
- Leave space for people to walk behind the firing line.
- Keep conversations away from the firing line during live fire and avoid loud speech.
- Anyone can call a cease-fire for any safety issue. If a cease-fire is called:
- Each shooter shall relay the cease-fire command loudly to other shooters and insert an Empty Chamber Indicator (ECI) in all rifles.
- Wait for instructions from the Range Officer.
- Rifles shall be pointed down range during uncasing, handling, loading, firing, unloading, and re-casing.
- The rifle must be pointed at the impact berm when the bolt is closed.
- Removable magazines and sleds must be removed from rifles except during prep and live fire.
- An ECI must be inserted in the rifle at all times while the rifle is on the range except during prep or live fire.
- An ECI must be inserted at the completion of firing before the rifle is removed from the firing line or put in a case.
- Rifles are not allowed on the firing line unless the pits are sealed, Except by direction of the Match Director.
- After the command “move your equipment to the firing line” has been given, you may handle your rifle. The ECI must remain in the rifle and magazines or sleds cannot be inserted until the start of prep time.
- There should never be an uncased rifle without an ECI. It is the responsibility of the competitor and the scorekeeper to make sure the ECI is inserted at the end of firing.
- In the event your E Target is disabled, you may be directed to move to a different firing point or to shift fire to an adjacent target. In either case, 2 sighters and additional time will be allowed.
- If you plan on making repairs or adjustments to your rifle or equipment, you must first remove the rifle from the line with the ECI inserted before proceeding. Be respectful of the other competitors around you.
- For all matches, you must be on target within 3 rounds. There is a 100-yard target on the left where you can verify your zero. If your 2nd round is not on target, zero at the 100-yard target before you take your 3rd shot on target. A miss will send you home. Extra time will not be granted in order to zero your rifle.
- Shooters are assumed to know the rules. Ignorance of them is not an excuse.