TASC (12)
The focus of TASC (2-Gun Tactical) is the introduction, development, and practice of rifle and pistol skills that would be applicable in self-defense situations. TASC is a skills development activity, not a competition.
You must be present for the safety brief at 08:45 to be eligible to participate. There are no exceptions to this.
2022 Dates:
April 2 (Intro Class)
May 7
June 4
July 2
August 6
September 3
October 1
April 2 (Intro Class)
May 7
June 4
July 2
August 6
September 3
October 1
Additional details on T.A.S.C. prerequisites, and info at https://spark.adobe.com/page/jjrQLOHWw6sOz/
Registration will be available approximately 1 month prior to each event.
Local contact Eric Callis - 708.462.2775. - president@aurorasc.org