Chicagoland's Premiere Sports Shooting Facility.

The Zombie Shoot 2025

The Aurora Sportsmen’s Club Zombie Shoot will be held on Saturday September 13, 2025 from 8:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. at the Aurora Sportsmen's Club Rifle/Pistol/Shotgun complex located at 7749 Rueff Road, Waterman, IL.

The event will feature 16 stages for pistol, rifle, and shotgun and will have something to do for all levels of shooting, from beginner to advanced. Target distances will be from point blank range out to 200 yards.

Vendors will be present for all your tactical and zombie preparedness needs. For more information, please follow us at           

Registration will open on June 1st, 2025. 

The Zombie Apocalypse is upon us. Will you be ready?

Full Details on this event at:

Kris Kline: 

Event Leader/ASC Action Shooting Sports Department Chair
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Event Properties

Event Date September 13, 2025, 8:00 am
Event End Date September 13, 2025, 4:00 pm
Capacity 1000
Individual Price Regular admission: $80. ASC Members Please Review Description of Event for ASC Member Pricing.
Range/Location(s) E-Side, Bullseye Range, E-1, E-2, E-3, E-4, E-5, E-6, E-7, E-8, E-9, East Side Building Garage, East Side Classroom, West Side Building Garage, Rifle/Pistol, 100 Yd:Bay 1, 100 Yd:Bay 2, 200 Yard Range, 25 Yd: Bay 1, 25 Yd: Bay 2, 50 Ft: Bay 1, 50 Ft: Bay 2, 50 Yard